Harusi ya Waswahili Shela Lamu
Kupeleka pete KufugaUkuti Hinna party Shindee Kesha Limatularus – Lunch Kikaii/Nikkah– Marriage vows performed by kadhi at the Mosque. the…
Kupeleka pete KufugaUkuti Hinna party Shindee Kesha Limatularus – Lunch Kikaii/Nikkah– Marriage vows performed by kadhi at the Mosque. the…
Atipa is a long leafy plant found any place where the soil is accommodating. It is a plant that spreads all…
The body was washed and hair shaved by old women past child bearing age in the village. Formerly, the corpse…
The inquiry includes “family life” starts from great great grand parents to the girl’s parents. The groom parents and family…
SHAVING THE BABY (Lielo Nyathi) In olden days shaving of a new born was a ritual of its kind. The…
Malindi – a friendly town Malindi is an ancient coastal town, founded around the 1st Century AD. Its original site may…
Malindi has a long tradition of boat building. These vessels range from the small Ngalawa, mashua, and dhow to the…